
How to change keyboard language

How to change keyboard linguistic communication

How to change keyboard language
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Figuring out how to change keyboard linguistic communication is not exactly the most hard job, but it'south non immediately obvious how to become nigh it.

As someone who's bilingual and constantly using the keyboard on my laptop both for piece of work and general purposes, I regularly swap between languages on my keyboard layout. So if you're trying to do the same, nosotros'll walk y'all through the whole process.

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Below, we've got a step-by-step guide on how to change your keyboard language on both Windows and macOS. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and once yous've added your preferred languages, you won't have to go through the setup process once more.

We'll even evidence you a keyboard shortcut that lets you lot bandy between languages instantly. Ready? Alright, let's get to it.

How to change keyboard linguistic communication in Windows

i. Navigate to the left finish of your taskbar (on the bottom of your screen) andclick the Commencement button. Alternatively,tap the Windows key to trigger the main Start menu. And then select the Settings iconon the left-hand side of the carte du jour, which should open the Settings window.

How to change keyboard language in Windows - settings

(Image credit: Microsoft)

2. Side by side, click the "Time & Language" option as shown in the screenshot beneath.

How to change keyboard language on Windows - time and language

(Image credit: Microsoft)

3. Get ahead and click on the Language tab, which should announced on the left-hand side of the window.

How to change keyboard language in Windows - language

(Image credit: Microsoft)

4. Now gyre down and select the "Add a language" option, which should announced under the category "Preferred languages."

How to change keyboard language in Windows - add language

(Image credit: Microsoft)

5. Type in your preferred linguistic communication or select from the presented listing. One time you've done that, go ahead and click Side by side to continue.

How to change keyboard language in Windows - choose language

(Paradigm credit: Microsoft)

half-dozen. Y'all should at present be able to install the selected language pack. At this phase, yous tin can besides decide whether you'd like this language to be set as your Windows brandish language. This means that features such as Settings and File Explorer will appear in the newly selected language.

Click "Install" to finalize the process.

How to change keyboard language in Windows - install language pack

(Epitome credit: Microsoft)

7. All done! You lot should now be able to swap betwixt your keyboard languages by clicking the Linguistic communication icon on the right-mitt side of the taskbar. Alternatively, utilise the central shortcut Shift + Alt.

How to change keyboard language in Windows - switch languages

(Image credit: Microsoft)

How to modify keyboard linguistic communication in macOS

i. First, locate your taskbar on tiptop of your Mac's screen and click the Apple tree icon. Next, click the "Organisation Preferences" selection in the drop-down menu to continue.

How to change keyboard language on Mac - system preferences

(Prototype credit: Apple)

2. In the new window, get alee and click the Keyboard icon.

How to change keyboard language on Mac - keyboard

(Paradigm credit: Apple)

3. Next, select the "Input Sources" tab, which should be located at the top of the window.

How to change keyboard language on Mac - input sources

(Paradigm credit: Apple)

iv. Go alee and click the "+" plus icon as shown in the screenshot below.

How to change keyboard language on Mac - plus icon

(Epitome credit: Apple)

5. Either blazon in your preferred linguistic communication or select from the presented listing. Once you lot've done that, become ahead and click Add to finalize the process.

Congratulations! You're all done. You should at present be able to bandy between languages by clicking the flag icon on the right-hand side of the toolbar at the pinnacle of your screen.

How to change keyboard language on Mac - keyboard shortcut

(Image credit: Apple)

Alternatively, you can prepare a keyboard shortcut. You lot tin practise this by going to Organisation Preferences, Keyboard, Shortcuts, Input Sources and checking the first box titled "Select the previous input source."

In one case you've enabled this shortcut, yous should exist able to switch between your keyboard languages by pressing Ctrl + Space.

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Denise is a news writer at Tom's Guide roofing all things tech, gaming software/hardware, streaming, and more. She regularly produces short-form news articles also equally long-form content, including reviews, buying guides, how-tos, and features. When she's non alive-streaming horror games on Twitch, she can be found exploring East London while playing Pokemon Become. She's also a part-time piano enthusiast and regularly experiments in the kitchen. Yous tin can attain her at


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